Browsers Corner Half-Off Everything Sale

Browsers Corner Half-Off Everything Sale

You read that right— EVERYTHING in the store will be half off on the first week of January starting on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2021, through Saturday, Jan. 9 during regular store hours. We have books, magazines, audio and visual materials and much more. This is an excellent...
President’s Message

President’s Message

What a year we’ve had! Normal life was interrupted by the coronavirus, which turned life upside-down. We rolled with the punch, but it changed all aspects of how we operate. The Friends were no exception. The greatest impact was on Browsers Corner Book Store, our...
News From Across the Street

News From Across the Street

Given the pandemic creating fluctuation in what we’re able to do, be sure to check out OverDrive at A plethora of reads await you for easy, free digital entertainment. Download ebooks straight to your preferred reading device. If you’re...